Welcome to Parkerenzonderzorgen.nl, the central place for everyone with a disabled parking card who is looking for clarity about parking rules per municipality. We have noticed that different rules apply per municipality for parking with a disabled parking card, which can cause a lot of confusion and inconvenience. For this reason, we have taken the initiative to publish a handy booklet that provides insight into the applicable parking rules for each municipality.
Now we are going one step further with the launch of our website, where you can easily log in and immediately consult the specific parking rules of the place where you are. This makes parking a lot more worry-free for you as a card holder.
In the near future we will continue our mission by developing an innovative app. This app will work seamlessly with your GPS and navigation apps such as Google Maps, to inform you in real-time about the parking rules at your location. This way you are always informed, wherever you park.
At Parkerenzonderzorgen.nl we strive to make parking accessible and worry-free for everyone. Keep an eye on our website for updates and developments regarding the upcoming app!